Use Twitter in Your Next Presentation

December 16, 2009

Question from the crowd

I just finished reading Carmine Gallo‘s latest business week article Use Twitter in Your Next Presentation. I’m not sure that Twitter is the best medium, but he is right on with the message. The way we interact with presenters is changing and the days of presenter as lecturer are coming to a close.

Today a presenter is the focal point for a conversation. A catalyst. They’re also a mediator of information. The best presenters are interactive. They control the medium, but leave the content more open.

Taking questions during a presentation can throw you off your game a little, but keeping your audience engaged is worth it. I start every presentation by encouraging people to ask questions and interrupt me. Especially when giving a web presentation I want my audience to interact.

I’ve had good success interacting with my audience using IM and IRC as well as asking questions and even Twitter. The key is to keep them engaged and responsive. Make your presentations interactive.

So what are you doing to interact with your audience during your presentations?

The photograph in this post was produced by seandreilinger and is used in accordance with the CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 license.

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