The Seven Bridges of Königsberg

The city of Königsberg in Prussia (now Kaliningrad, Russia) was built around two rivers with seven bridges. For years the residents tried to cross each bridge without crossing any of them more than once.

Leonhard Euler proved that it was impossible to cross all the bridges without repeating and laid the foundation for graph theory and modern topology at the same time.

The Rules

This is you
You can't cross rivers
Only cross bridges once
Visit each house
Boats can cross rivers, but only from one side
Cross color bridges to change your color
Only visit color houses if you're the same color
Some bridges only go in one direction

Tutorial Levels

1 2 3

Visit All The Houses

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Cross All The Bridges and Visit All The Houses

16 17 18 19 20 21 22