Robin M. is an IT project manager at a Fortune 500 company. She has worked for the company for five years and has worked remotely for almost the entire time. She has a young daughter and is expecting a son. Robin says:
“The company I’m with really supports IT personnel working virtually. I have been working from home 1-2 days a week since I started there, but when I became pregnant with my daughter I went virtual full-time. Being able to work from home was a real blessing when I was pregnant and nursing. After I weaned my daughter, I was promoted and began working from the office most days of the week; however when I became pregnant with my son, I decided to work from home again. Now I’m expecting my son in a few months and plan to work from home until he is weaned. After that, I’ll reevaluate the situation. Having the option of working from home makes pregnancy and breastfeeding much easier in many ways – and allows me to have the ability to continue to focus on my work. I’m grateful to have the option.”
Robin says the most difficult part of working from home with her young daughter was getting the proper support from her spouse.
“Really, training her father is a harder thing – getting him to think about keeping her noise level down outside my office door and reminding her not to go in there has been the real key.”