Confessions of A Telecommuting Multitasker

December 1, 2009


We need to get the um… [type type type] thing from the guys in the um… [type type type] I mean the product requirements.

I actually do this. It’s one of my worst teleworker habits. I know the data. I know people can’t really multitask, but I always feel like answering that one little IM can’t hurt. Then there’s another IM, and an email, and pretty soon I’m completely ignoring the person on the other side of the phone.

That other person can always tell exactly what’s happening. The silence on the phone followed by the little clicks of my keyboard is an unmistakable sign. I’m ignoring them. It has to stop.

I want to make it as easy as possible to talk to me and I feel guilty when I don’t respond quickly to every instant message. I want to stop multitasking during conference calls, but it’s hard. I want to do it all, but I just can’t.

I’ve developed a simple list to make sure I’m paying attention to the person I’m already talking to and not everyone else.

Set my status. Let the rest of my team know I’m in a conference call by setting my status in IM and IRC.

Turn off the noise. I shut down my email program, log out of Twitter, and turn off all my other social tools. I also turn off my cell phone.

Find a little distraction. Something small to do with my hands really helps me stay focused.

Remember that a good answer later is better than a bad one right now. I just can’t give a good answer to an email while I talk on a conference call. I remind myself to add it to my TODO list and give them a good answer later.

Taking the time to shut down some of my communication channels helps me focus on the person I’m talking to. I show them they’re important to me by giving them my attention.

What do you do to stay focused and avoid multitasking? Do you have a list of items you shut down or are you such a great multitasker that you don’t need one?

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